Schladming-Dachstein Nights | Band Bruther | Die Grahms
Dorfplatz - Ramsau Ort
Open-Air-Konzerte at Ramsauer village square
On Wednesday, August 20, 2025, the Schladming-Dachstein Nights will once again showcase a diverse spectrum of live music, starting at 7:00 PM.
Concert Dates:
16.07.2025 – Seitinger & Maierhofer | Fin of Circle
20.08.2025 – Bruther | Die Grahms
Band Bruther
With their powerful vocals and electrifying sound, Bruther invites the audience to experience and celebrate the raw, untamed spirit of rock music together.
Inspired by driving riffs, blues rock, and the psychedelic sounds of the late ’60s and ’70s, Bruther follows their own unique path. Together with their band, they create a sound that bridges generations and delivers high-energy performances on stage.
“So, take your best friend by the hand, and celebrate the days of love.”
Die Grahms
GRAHMS present their first album entitled vielleicht waamts uns es heaz, a collection of ten
collection of ten pieces that move between the fragile simplicity of two voices with a guitar
with one guitar and the vastness of full-band arrangements.
With GRAHMS, songs are never created by themselves, but rather the product of consistent observation.
of consistent observation.
The song floats unmolested in space as long as no one wants to see it, only ready to take shape
when it is confronted with humility. The dialect language as
form of expression of choice with finely tuned vocal and instrumental
instrumental harmonies are all mere expressions of this humility.
Johannes Greimeister [voice, guitar]
Julian Flammer [voice, melodica]
Stefan Rojer [bass]
Jakob Rodlauer [guitar, keys]
Patrick Paganin [drums]
Infobüro Ramsau
Ramsau 372
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+ 43 3687 23310
Podrobnosti o události
Středa 20.08.2025 from 19:00 Uhr